Texas Public Pool Council Region I

Region I consists of the following counties:
Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Bailey, Baylor, Borden, Briscoe, Brown, Callahan, Carson, Castro, Childress, Clay, Cochran, Coleman, Collingworth, Comanche, Cooke, Cottle, Crosby, Dallam, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Denton, Donley, Eastland, Erath, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Gaines, Garza, Grey, Hale, Hall, Hansford, Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Hockley, Hood, Howard, Hutchinson, Jack, Johnson, Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lamb, Lipscomb, Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, Mitchell, Montague, Moore, Motley, Nolan, Ochiltree, Oldham, Palo Pinto, Parker, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Runnels, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Somervell, Stephens, Stonewall, Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terry, Throckmorton, Wheeler, Wichita, Willbarger, Wise, Yoakum, and Young.
Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Bailey, Baylor, Borden, Briscoe, Brown, Callahan, Carson, Castro, Childress, Clay, Cochran, Coleman, Collingworth, Comanche, Cooke, Cottle, Crosby, Dallam, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Denton, Donley, Eastland, Erath, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Gaines, Garza, Grey, Hale, Hall, Hansford, Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Hockley, Hood, Howard, Hutchinson, Jack, Johnson, Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lamb, Lipscomb, Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, Mitchell, Montague, Moore, Motley, Nolan, Ochiltree, Oldham, Palo Pinto, Parker, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Runnels, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Somervell, Stephens, Stonewall, Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terry, Throckmorton, Wheeler, Wichita, Willbarger, Wise, Yoakum, and Young.